Happy FRIDAY!! An upcoming trip to visit my parents and family "back home" (3-4 hours, so not too terribly long but nonetheless long enough!!!) has inspired this week's Five on Friday....
Five things to survive a road trip!
1. CD or soundtrack. Or if you have USB or an AUX port in your car, you can play
Pandora or I <3 radio from your phone!
2. Snacks and Diet Coke (But not too much Diet Coke or you will have to make frequent pit stops!)
3. Good book or magazine. Or if you're the driving,
you and the passenger can both enjoy an audio book!
4. A game to help pass the time. I remember when I was younger we had "road trip bingo boards" and when we drove past something (like a cow or mailbox) we got to "cross" that image out until someone got a bingo! Other favorites are "In my grandma's chest" where everything in the chest must start with the same letter and everyone must remember each item before adding theirs to the list; the person who does not repeat them in the correct order or forgets to list an item loses.
5. Your camera. This is an essential because (a) you can document your trip and (b) you may want to stop along the way and take some pictures of some of the beautiful scenery! You never know what you may run in to!
Linking up with:
Five on Friday ladies: A. Liz, Darci, Christina, and Natasha
Happy Little Friday ladies: Mary and The Grits Blog
What is something that is a MUST for you on a road trip??
Five on Friday ladies: A. Liz, Darci, Christina, and Natasha
Happy Little Friday ladies: Mary and The Grits Blog
What is something that is a MUST for you on a road trip??
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your weekend!!